Top AI & ML talent, active and ready.

Streamline your AI and ML search. Access our pool of 300,000 candidates. 

Inspired by data. Powered by talent.


The AI revolution has only just begun. Every business around you is scrambling for the best AI & ML talent. To drive innovation. Outpace AI breakthroughs. Help your organisation take full control of AI and ML’s unimaginable force.

You’re looking for AI experts that thrive on change. Ready for emerging technologies. Talent that can handle complex projects. And know how to construct AI in alignment with your business goals. ML tech masterminds with a proficiency in every code language and Cloud systems.

These are the people that get hired the quickest. That’s why you need a recruitment partner that knows the AI landscape like no one else. That has talented AI experts ready to go. For any project. In any location. That’s why RED Global is your trusted partner for AI recruitment. 



  • Python
  • PySpark
  • PyTorch
  • TensorFlow
  • BluePrism
  • MS Power Automate
  • Pega
  • UiPath


  • Machine Learning Engineers
  • Data Scientists
  • AI & Data Architects
  • Robotics Engineers
  • Blockchain Consultants
  • Big Data Engineers
  • Computer Vision Engineers
  • Deep Learning Engineers

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Want to reach our 20,000 monthly website visitors with your exciting opportunity? Upload your open role on our site and expand your company’s reach instantly. With our talent for spotting the perfect combination of skills, experience, and personality for your role, you can feel confident we’ll secure the right match.
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We recruit into these technologies


As SAP has rapidly evolved from ERP software to a full digital platform, we've evolved with it. This means that over the last few years we have expanded our offerings to include a wider spectrum of intelligent technologies that support the entire digital transformation of our clients.

Adjacent technologies to support your transformation

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Maximise your earning potential as a freelancer in Eastern Europe.


Get ahead of the competition & boost your earnings. 

In the dynamic tech scene of Eastern Europe, finding the right opportunity can be a real challenge. 

With over 1.3 million tech professionals, the market is saturated. Finding the perfect role and getting the desired rate is a challenge. 

We get it. But we've got you covered.

Download our brand new guide, created especially for you. 

Packed with insights on how to create killer CVs, impress at interviews, take advantage of personal branding, financial advice, and learning & development. Created for the Eastern European market, you're not going to want to miss this.  

Just complete the form and you'll gain immediate access to this guide.